Cosmetic Dentist

Planning Your Teeth Whitening

If you are whitening your teeth in preparation for a special occasion or event, it’s important to check with your dentist about how long the treatment is likely to take. In fact, as an individual one needs to know can his teeth be whitened? Usually, the process of whitening is quite quick: for many people,

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Man with dark teeth

What Causes Teeth To Become Darker?

There are three things that may cause a tooth to become darker: Ageing The normal ageing process can make teeth look darker or yellower than they once were. This is because the yellow-coloured part of the tooth, the dentine, usually increases in thickness as we age, while the overlying translucent enamel (which makes the tooth

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What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

When people think of Cosmetic Dentistry the treatments that most often come to mind are teeth whitening and dental veneers. However, there are many more procedures that fall under the Cosmetic Dentistry umbrella. Cosmetic Dentistry is simply the term used to describe procedures which are carried out to improve the appearance of the teeth: the

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